Friday, November 4, 2011

BNet has become CBS Moneywatch - now change it back please?

Expect a massive decrease in readership (though they’d never admit it). 

I’m guessing a lot of readers are like me, who want business, tech, sales and HR insights on a business site.  Now instead of a website named BNet (Business), the corporate folks overlooking our web browsing will see CBS Moneywatch, which is NOT just business…it seems more television-ish, personal finance-y and news-y.  (I know that none of those are real words, but they’re descriptive enough considering my limited coffee intake this morning.) 

Plus the layout is horrible; it’s crowded and distracting. 

It seems like every change they’ve made over there has been for the worse in the last 18 months.  Taking away the ability to track your own comments from multiple posts across the site was a big, dumb change.  Their inability to keep spam out of the comments field or at the very least delete it in less than a week was terrible too.  And losing Geoffrey James from Sales Machine was just bad.  He drew a ridiculous amount of readers.  It was Geoffrey’s posts that originally brought me to BNet, and he was the reason I logged on every day and ran into some other great bloggers.

I answered their incredibly long survey (which offered no reward or potential reward for completion) and none of the questions led me to think they were going to royally screw up the site.  That certainly wasn’t one of the options:

Should we:
A.      Keep it the same?
B.      Make minor tweaks?
C.      Screw everything up completely?

I’ll be taking a break and going directly to the individual blogger’s sites that I enjoy so I don’t have to deal with the CBS clutter.  I’ll be following Jeff Haden, Evil HR Lady Suzanne Lucas, Penelope Trunk and a couple others away from CBSM, and waiting for Geoffrey James to land somewhere.

CBS Moneywatch, you screwed up a good thing.

EDIT:  It looks like Geoffrey James AND Jeff Haden landed on Inc., so there's my new bookmark! .
Please check out one of the advertisers' links before you leave, support the advertisers and my motorcycle fund.  CBR600RR’s are expensive.  Plus I have 5 kids.

1 comment:

  1. For the record, I haven't been back to CBS MoneyWatch/old BNet since this was published on November 4, 2011.
