Monday, August 30, 2010

Birthday fun and back to running.

Holy weekend!  Addi's birthday party sleepover had 5 girls plus our 5, plus the mom-in-law and niece & nephew - that was a full house!  here's a pic of the girls.  (I had to Photoshop out some rabbit ears!)

The week prior was Miles' 1st birthday, which was awesome.  He's growing fast and walking really well.

Running 3 - 3.5 miles a day, 4x a week.  I'll keep stepping it up.  Ideally I'll do 4 miles 4x a week then a long run on Sunday (6-10 miles.)  Need some time to ramp up to that. Man, I love running though, and it just gets easier the more you do it.  Nice to see some weight drop off too. 

Ran the Hamot 5k/10k (we did 5) with the Mrs. and had my all-time best time.  Sadly, I finished my 5k at the same time the winner of the 10k was finishing.  I slowed and made sure to stay out of his way...meanwhile, some moron 5k chick stayed the course and ran right through the center of the finish line so he had to slow up (even after I told her he was coming up behind us).  This, as he's trying to set a course record - nice.  Trying to be polite after the finish, I said "nice run" to him, and he ignored me.  So, 2 jackasses in 10 yards, that might be a record in and of itself.

They throw a nice race though, and the Toddler Trot afterwards is a wonderful site to see.  Kids of all ages get to run races grouped by their age.  It's ridiculously adorable.

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